Package com.anji.neat

com.anji.neat contains classes implementing NEAT framework, including genes, mutation operators, and fitness function used for XOR.


Class Summary
AddConnectionMutationOperator Implements NEAT add connection mutation inspired by Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies .
AddNeuronMutationOperator Implements NEAT add node mutation inspired by Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies .
ConnectionAllele Gene corresponding to NEAT connection gene according to Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies
ConnectionGene Gene corresponding to NEAT connection gene according to Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies
Evolver Configures and performs an ANJI evolutionary run.
NeatActivator Transcribe Chromosome object (loaded from persistence if necessary) into Activator object and activate it with specified stimuli.
NeatChromosomeUtility Utility class capturing functionality pertaining to NEAT neuron and connection genes.
NeatConfiguration Extension of JGAP configuration with NEAT-specific features added.
NeatCrossoverReproductionOperator Implements NEAT crossover reproduction according to Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies .
NeatIdMap Extension of JGAP configuration with NEAT-specific features added.
NeatTargetFitnessFunction Fitness function where error is subtracted from max fitness, then squared.
NeuronAllele Gene corresponding to NEAT node gene according to Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies
NeuronGene Gene corresponding to NEAT node gene according to Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies
NeuronType Enumerated type representing flavors of neurons: input, output, hidden.
PruneMutationOperator Removes neurons and connections that do not affect the activation of the network.
RemoveConnectionMutationOperator Implements remove connection mutation, using one of 3 strategies: SKEWED - Probability of connection being removed ranges from 0 (if weight magnitude >= max weight removed) to mutation rate (if weight is 0) ALL - All connections have equal likelihood of being removed, regardless of weight.
RemoveConnectionMutationOperator.Strategy Enumerated type for remove connection strategies.
WeightMagnitudeComparator sorts ConnectionGenes in ascending order of weight magnitude
WeightMutationOperator Implements NEAT perturb connection weight mutation according to Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies .

Package com.anji.neat Description

com.anji.neat contains classes implementing NEAT framework, including genes, mutation operators, and fitness function used for XOR. Also includes subtractive mutations added to NEAT by James and Tucker for GECCO 2004.