Package com.anji.integration

com.anji.integration contains classes that provide the glue between the various components of the system, including artificial neural net implementations, JGAP, NEAT, Log4J, and persistence and presentation layers.


Interface Summary
Activator Although any object taking and returning double arrays can implement this, it is meant to be a simple neural net interface where the arrays are input and output activation patterns.
Transcriber To "transcribe" is to construct a phenotype from a genotype.

Class Summary
ActivatorTranscriber Factory interface to abstract construction of neural network objects.
AnjiActivator Simple neural network implementation of Activator interface.
AnjiNetTranscriber The purpose of this class is to construct a neural net object (AnjiNet) from a chromosome.
ChromosomeToNetworkXml Converts chromosome to activator, which it then uses to write network XML according to NEVT data model.
ConsoleLogEventListener Writes log events to stdout.
ExponentialTargetFitnessFunction Fitness function where error is exponential; i.e., as the error gets closer to 0, the fitness increases exponentially, at a greater rate than simply squaring the error.
Generation Converts generation data between Genotype and XML.
LogEventListener Writes log events to log4j framework.
PersistenceEventListener Writes genetic algorithm data, including chromosomes and run, to persistent storage.
PresentationEventListener Stores presentation XML data where it can be displayed, likely in a web browser.
RandomFitnessFunction Assigns random fitness for each chromosome.
SimpleSelector Selects chromosomes based directly on fitness value, as opposed to a statistical probability.
TargetFitnessFunction Determines fitness based on how close Activator output is to a target.
XmlPersistableRun Converts run data to XML presentation format.

Exception Summary
AnjiRequiredException Thrown if ANJI-specific JGAP objects receive a non-ANJI configuration.

Package com.anji.integration Description

com.anji.integration contains classes that provide the glue between the various components of the system, including artificial neural net implementations, JGAP, NEAT, Log4J, and persistence and presentation layers. com.anji.neat also contains some integration code between NEAT and JGAP.